Payable On Death

EST. 2007


As the Christmas Break approaches its time for another [POD] tournament. To start things off right on the new game it may be time for NUMERODOS to put the "Cage Match" Title up for grabs.

Rules will be posted and bracket will be made this weekend. The Carnage will start this Monday. Matches are to be played at a time convenient to the competitors.

As a prequel to the tournament we'll have a ROYAL RUMBLE with sheilds, to crown a SHEILD CHAMP. I'm thinking a free-for-all with everyone at once. One game take all. Simple and short.

Please leave any suggestions or questions you have, or any ideas for future tournaments. A Sniper and 2v2 tourney will be also be taking place soon.



numeroUNO said...

Yall think we should seed based on multiplayer score?

tytime said...

I wont be here from Monday, December 21st through Monday, December 28th. So I think that we should start the tournament AFTER Christmas so that I can be involved!

numeroUNO said...

That's right! Have fun in SF. We'll say the tourney starts anytime next week, and maybe knockout some round 1 matches before you get back.

shawshank said...


shawshank said...

What will the 2v2 be? I'd like to see some of the other games, search and destroy or demolition, maybe 4v4? thoughts?

numeroUNO said...

1v1 bracket is being made as we speak. I'm including zyfix and pheenawn... They'll be down right? I'm not sure about Ps_cyp or csanders though. Right now I'm doing the bracket based on XP score.
For the 1v1 were looking at non-HC team deathmatch first to 10 kills. Perhaps the championship should be first to 15?The first round will be best of 5, and all other rounds best of seven. Ten minute time limit. The higher seeded player gets to choose the first map, and players take turns choosing after that. Any map can be chosen. All perks and killstreaks are enabled.
Those are the rules right now buy I'm open to suggestions before we get officially started.
What do y'all think? Let's get it on.

numeroUNO said...

I agree that 2v2 should include many diiferent game types. Perhaps a random game type everytime? We could even random whether HC is enabled each match.

DFGolfer said...

Shield rumble should be only shield kills meaning you can only use the shield to attack.. kill streaks enabled.. special greanades ok and I'm open for the throwing knife discussion.

numeroUNO said...

Update on the bracket. It's almost ready but I'm still waiting to hear from a few people. The seeding will be based on how fast you score points. (total time played/total score).

I think the sheild rumble should be sheilds only. Killstreaks and perks enabled but no knives or even throwing knives.

Anonymous said...

Dear POD,

I have heard that there is another cage match tournament this year. I would like to congradulate all of you who are thinking about competing for establishing hope inside yourselves once again after last years masacre. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to anyone or all for a challenge this year for me. Please take your time before accepting this invite. Ask yourselves, Can I really compete with DOS? If your answer to this question is yes, then you have just inadvertantly called yourself a jackass. But because I am a team player and have been humbled by llewellyn88s lucky win over me in the sniper tournament, I have decided to participate in the mascre this year. Even though the biggest challenge last year was trying not to knife everyone. You can all thank me after. Good luck to those competting and those that have to play me. Remember yall lose as a team and I win as a team.



numeroUNO said...

hahah that's great. This deserves it's own post.

numeroUNO said...

I've got the bracket done but waiting to hear from csanders, thedizzyrake, ps_cyp, and jp0024. As soon as we hear from these guys to make sure they want in we can get started.

I've got numeroDOS as top seed. I figured to be the champ
you've got to beat the champ. The rest are seeded based on XP per hour played.

When I post the bracket I'll post the official rules. Hopefully we can get started soon.