Payable On Death

EST. 2007



The MW2 Stimulus Package DLC will hit Playstation Network on MAY 4TH.

Along with the Stimulus Package, PS3 will receive 5 days of Double XP, and a playlist update.

The upcoming playlist update will remove 1v1 third person cage match, and add "4v4 Team Tactical" "Mosh Pit for New Maps Only", and "Hardcore Mosh Pit for New Maps Only". Rumors are that the new maps will also be immediatley integrated into the other existing playlists for users that have the new DLC.

The Stimulus Package will be priced at 14.99


numeroUNO said...

lol this is great!

"New places to run, jump, and blow up motherf^&^$#s"

numeroUNO said...

"I'm lost.... and it's great"