Payable On Death

EST. 2007

Do YOU suffer from MAPATHY?


numeroUNO said...

Rumors are that a COD4 Map will be on the first DLC.

If I could choose any map from COD4 to be on MW2 I would choose either CRASH or PIPELINE.

What would y'all choose?

numeroUNO said...

The first map pack will be called "The Stimulus Package" and will hit 360 in 3 weeks.

PS3 will receive it within a month after that... so 7 weeks?

tytime said...

Any map from COD4...either Countdown or Ambush!

numeroUNO said...

Leaked photos show infinity ward members playing MW2 on OVERGROWN. Perhaps we'll see that one on the new DLC?

numeroUNO said...

Details are slowly being released. Looks like the first MW2 will contain 3 all new maps, and 2 COD4 Maps, CRASH and OVERGROWN. The three new maps are called BAILOUT, STORM, and SALVAGE. BAILOUT is said to be a multi-layered apartment complex, while STORM is described as an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery, and SALVAGE is a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars.

Sounds cool.... I think it will be very interesting when these maps are mixed in with the current ones on mosh pit, especially the COD4 maps.

numeroUNO said...

All details of the first map pack are officially being released today.

numeroUNO said...

A "Stimulus Package" video preview will be released this week