Payable On Death

EST. 2007


Be the first to correctly name which member of Payable On Death is in each picture, and be officially deemed the "Clan Genius". HINT: All of these members played together at some point on November 6, 2009.






Anonymous said...

1 Tytime pistol 2 llewellen88 3 numerouno 4 spare15

numeroUNO said...

1st post = Incorrect. And please sign your name DOS

Anonymous said...

They are all hot guys. I win!!! Sincerely, thespare15

numeroUNO said...

True statement "spare15" .... But incorrect

numeroUNO said...

Since yall suck at this and need help, here's some more hints.

The possibilities: numeroUNO, spare15, tytime, JP0024, llewelyn88.

Nobody is pictured more than once.

Things to look at: What 1 is carrying, What 2 is holding, Where 4 is positioned.

llewelyn88 said...

1st thespare 2nd JP 3rd llewelyn88 4th tytime

numeroUNO said...


Congratulations LLEWELYN88 you are smarter than everyone! Nailed it first try!

numeroUNO said...

1 - Spare15 carries the blue tiger G3.

2 - JP0024 is never NOT holding a gold AK

4 - tytime is in the creek next to B looking up toward the porch/spawn area... which is what he usually does on that map.

3 - 3 HAD to be LLEWELYN88 because how the hell could I have taken a picture of myself by spectating myself? LLEWELYN88 was all that was left.