Payable On Death

EST. 2007


In the small village of Les Coteaux, Trinidad and Tobago a boy played with some rocks on the side of the road, as his family was too poor to buy real toys for him. Suddenly, the boy felt a cold chill race down his spine as clouds began to cover the village and a strong wind started up. The boy looked around in panic, realizing now that he was all alone. Then, in the distance the boy spotted a man walking towards him, the boy did not know why but he felt a calm come over him as the man approached. When the man got closer the boy realized that the mans eyes were closed. The boy asked the man, "Sir, why are your eyes closed, you wont be able to see where you are going?" The man got on one knee to get down to the boys level and said, "Bad things happen boy, when I open my eyes, but today is not your lucky day because today I come to destroy your village." With that the man opened his eyes and everything was gone, the buildings, the people of the village, the entire town wiped out....all except the boy...he remained. The man stared at the boy, and the boy could see that his eyes were iced over, no one had ever looked into this mans eyes before and survived. The man asked himself in a confused state, "How is this possible..." The boy came closer to the man and said, "Not to worry sir, for I am special too just like y......" In the middle of the boys sentence the man punched with full force into the boys chest, busting through his chest cavity and grabbing his heart with his bare hand. The man ripped his heart out of his chest and held it in the air as the boy fell lifeless to the ground and exclaimed, "I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHO YOU ARE....NO ON SURVIVES MY WRATH...I AM NUMERODOS!"

1 comment:

numeroUNO said...
